One of the other projects I have had on the go for a while is a gothic horror setting in Limehouse around 1880 something. It wasn't something I was looking to get into but after painting one or two of the lovely Highgate Miniatures figures it wasn't easy to say no. Having an interest in Victorian architecture also helped.
This is just a quick post to introduce the project and I'll be doing more in-depth posts on the buildings, setting etc but also we'll be starting a campaign which will get posts as it progresses through out the year.

All the buildings, settings etc for the project are based on examples from the period but aren't built 100% to the references as I prefer to put my own 'spin' on things. That's not to say that they aren't period specific, it's just I find it easier to have inspiration and go my own way. Ground scale and game-ability is also a factor when building and making.
Being egged on by my peers is a big factor in deciding what gets built but also what we want in scenarios etc is also a help. There's no overall plan but I do have enough now to fill a 6x4 table, which is an excellent size to play on.

28mm is the chosen scale (like the vast majority of my projects) and sometimes the ideas can be a little too big to include, but not often lol
Below are links to the OSHIRO range of Victorian buildings and also to the Highgate Miniatures page. Plenty of options from both for your own Victorian Gothic Horror settings.

Have a couple of your Victorian buildings and the steam tractor - must get some more.
That boxing hexagon amidst the warehouse looks awesome.
Love this project