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Star Wars campaign game #2

Updated: Aug 27

--: Nevarro Sector Corporate Authority Report 242-694 :--

Being the report of Unit 17-C escorting a suspected terrorist through Sector 5 of Nevarro City...

Game Two - Prisoner Escort

Reduced unit of Lt Lamore, Sgt Montt and Trooper Hev transporting suspected terrorist to the spaceport for transfer to the Sector ISB office for further questioning. Trooper Boon KIA, Troopers Liss and Arkan transferred to Corporate Authority HQ for medical treatment.

Reduced unit 17-C requested a standard transport skiff for the transfer of terrorist suspect 'Neera Bhattu' to the spaceport as our methods of extracting information regarding the increased terrorist activity in the area had proved to be less than useful.

Proceeding through Sector 5, Lt Lamore was aware of some suspicious activity from what appeared to be the local populace and ordered his troops be on the look out. The suspect was restrained and subdued in the skiff and could not cause any trouble.

All too quickly, the suspicious activity turned into actual hostile action with various unknowns opening fire on the transport skiff and the officers contained there within. Fortunately, with Sgt Montt manning the skiff heavy blaster, one of the hostiles was put down quickly.

With more fire coming in from what seemed to be all sides, Trooper Hev, in charge of piloting the skiff did a heroic job of managing to avoid the worst of the incoming fire but the enemy were far too numerous and it was all we could do to avoid being hit.

Impossible to tell how many antagonists were out there Trooper Hev piloted towards an alleyway in the hope of getting out of the fire zone and into the relative safety of the spaceport.

But to no avail. The incoming fire increased dramatically and both LT Lamore and Sgt Montt were hit and down. The skiff also took several hits and careened out of control, crashing into the side of the alleyway allowing the suspect to get away.

These hit and run tactics of the terrorists are becoming a serious thorn in the side of decent law enforcement and we would recommend a heightening of awareness and patrols. Again, messages of condolence have been sent to the relevant parties.

Report ends....

Again, a lot of the terrain is scratchbuilt but also has many elements from the catalogue entries linked below. After this particular section of the campaign has concluded I'll do a report of one of the larger games that we've had in the past that includes almost all the buildings made for the project so far.

The rules used were the excellent Wiley Games Fistful of Lead; Galactic Heroes. They give a very cinematic game, are easy to pick up and the games are quick. Win win!

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