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A matter of scale

With the introduction of some new plastic 10mm sengoku period figures to the market I thought it would be good to show some comparison photos of some 10mm ashigaru and samurai figures alongside my 6mm range. First off is a photo of some of the current range of 6mm JP buildings on some scenic bases. The larger bases are around 140mm x 90mm and I shall no doubt do a tutorial on something similar in the future.

The figures I've used for comparison are from the Pendraken 10mm samurai range as these have been noted to match the new plastics (from Wargames Atlantic). I did want to get a few more painted and based but time has been against me recently.

The infantry are based on 1mm thick acrylic that's 40mm x 20mm (which seems to be a fairly standard size for this sort of figure) and as you can see, they're not actually a bad match size wise with the buildings.

I do hope to get quite a few more painted and give the old Warmaster rules a go with them, or maybe even Hail Caesar. I'll need a fair few more than what's here though lol.

Also, I have started on the masters for the village buildings along with some of the religious range. The intention of course is to follow what's in the main 28mm ranges but also have more including a castle of the stone wall type that's so popular with the period.

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